diumenge, 22 de febrer del 2009

Writing Process of "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button"

This is the last review of the CAL course program and I have decided to try to do it in my own. I haven’t consulted any external review. The movie has stroked me very deeply so I have had many different ideas of focusing the review. I have decided to focuse in my owm feelings and reflections. I couldn’t have focused in the facts that happen in the movie that are also really interesting, but I thought that the review would be too long (the film lasts 166 min.). The movie is very rich in symbolic elements; it’s like a book of philosophy. The review follows a structure I which first I talk about the most interesting elements of the film: the past of time, life and death and destiny. Then I have thought that performances needed to be pointed out. The final conclusions are personal reflections about the film and it has the intention to increase the interest of the reader about the movie.
I have felt strangely comfortable reviewing the film in my own words, without any support. I have doubted about if I could do it, but I feel really happy with the result. It has been an interesting and extremely useful experience reviewing the film.

I have learned new words and expressions: everything in its own good time (cada cosa al seu temps), shun (esquivar), knocked down (atropellada), run down (atropellar), displays (exhibeix, desplega), compendium (repertori).

The total amount of hours I have spent doing this review is 5 hours:
- 30 min for reflections and doing the brain storming.
- 4 hours for structuring, writing the review and look up in the dictionary.
- 30 min. for re-read and doing the “Writing process”

1 comentari:

Josep Jutglar ha dit...

I'm glad to see that writing the last review without looking at or checking external reviews has been so positive! This shows that checking and writing reviews for three months has proved to be very useful.