dimecres, 11 de febrer del 2009

Writing Process of "The Cotton Club"

It always a pleasure reviewing a Coppola film. As always I have consulted imbd: Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times, Apollo Movie Guide [Ryan Cracknell]. It has been complicated because the film is complex, there’s a lot of characters, different story with parallelism, a mixture of genres but it has been a really interesting review. I am satisfied with the final result, because it offers a quite good perspective of the different elements of the movie. I had several ideas but I had to spend a lot of time thinking how they could better fix together. I have tried to combinate an analysis of the story, with opinions about the characters performances and the interpretation of what is the director’s intention. I have tried to explain to last images of the movie because they are very original and interesting but it has been impossible because I couldn’t express in a foreign language something that it’s difficult to express in catalan. However, I think that the review it’s better that way because there’s an unwritten rule of not telling what happen in the end.

I have learned some new words: slick cornet player (trompetista hàbil), hood (banda), tap dance (claqué), époque (època), mob boss (cap de la màfia), maching gun (ametrelladora), burst of violence (esclat de violència), touchy (sentimental)

The total amount of hours I have spent doing this review is 6 hours:
- 30 min for reflections and doing the brain storming.
- 1 hour for reading the reviews and look up unknown words in the dictionary.
- 4 hours for structuring and writing the review.
- 30 min. for re-read and doing the “Writing process”