dimarts, 3 de febrer del 2009

Writing Process of "Waltz with Bashir"

That’s the first review that I’ve done after watching the film in the movie theatre, not in a DVD. From the first sequence I knew immediately that I would review the film because it’s spectacular. I doubted about doing the review without consulting any external review but at the end I decided that I wasn’t ready yet. So, I have consulted from www.imdb.com, Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times, Los Angeles Times [Kenneth Turan], Reel.com [Chris Cabin], Rolling Stone [Peter Travers]. I had a dilemma deciding how I focused the review. Watching the movie I felt amazingly attracted for the visual potency of the film and I loved the style of the drawings, but at the same time the story that the movie is about is too strong and shocking. I have decided to include a paragraph in which I narrate the attraction that the images can produce to the viewer. I feel really happy with the final result and I think it has been so useful.

I have learned some new words: former soldier (ex-combatent), bark (bordar), enraged (enrabiats), shaterring (contundent), sensitive (sensible), sensible (prudent).

The total amount of hours I have spent doing this review is 5 1/2 hours:
- 1 hour for reading the reviews and look up unknown words in the dictionary.
- 4 hours for thinking, structuring and writing the review.
- 30 min. for re-read and doing the “Writing process”

1 comentari:

Josep Jutglar ha dit...

Pol, well done. The review is very complete. It would be interesting though, as I told you previously, that before publishing the final document you could publish the different steps you followed to reach the final review:

- outline / ideas (strucutre, paragraphs, etc.)

- first, second, third, etc. draft

- main problems: difficult vocabulary and grammar structures