dimecres, 11 de febrer del 2009

Writing Process of "The Birds"

After watching the film I have written down my ideas and then I have consulted the reviews on the imdb: Variety.com [Variety Staff], Reel.com DVD review [Pam Grady] Urban Cinefile (Australia) - DVD review. It’s a shame that Roger Ebert hasn’t reviewed the film because it’s an extremely useful influence. I haven’t published different drafts because after doing the brain storming I decide the tone and the structure and while I am writing I introduce new ideas. I don’t change many structural things when I have decided to write down only words or expressions but not the structure, because I am sure of what I am doing. So I can’t publish drafts because I do the final product as a pack, progressively in a lineal order.
For the review of “The Birds” I have decided to focus in the meaning of the movie, my own personal interpretation. I wasn’t necessary to explain the narrative structure of the film because it is not relevant. I haven’t had many problems doing the review, I have to admit that it’s the first time that I have felt pretty confident. The movie follows the classic structure of the Studio System (the Hollywood Classic) and this time it hasn’t as much complicated that it was before in other reviews.
I have learned new words: raven (corb), sparrow (gorrion), seagull (gabina), fainthearted glance (mirada buida). And new expressions: become nuts (tornar-se boig).
The total amount of hours I have spent doing this review is 5 hours:
- 30 min for reflections and doing the brain storming.
- 1 hour for reading the reviews and look up unknown words in the dictionary.
- 3 hours for structuring and writing the review.
- 30 min. for re-read and doing the “Writing process”
P.D. I have seen “Magnolia”, an extraordinary movie and I thought about reviewing it but I finally decided that it was too complicated. I read Ebert’s review Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times and it was really interesting and fascinating. I have learned different new words: leap (salt), ragged (confus, desordenat , trencat), turmoil (confusion, desordre), shield (escut), heedless (descuidat), stud (semental), melting down (desmoronandose), blast (explosio), allegedly (aparentment)