diumenge, 22 de febrer del 2009

Final reflections of the course

My general feeling about the course couldn’t be more positive. I have done exactly what I wanted to: improve my writing skills in English, using a lyrical language and watch movies (one of my passions). I think that the objective was to feel more secure and confident writing in English, in the last review I totally felt that way. I probably make mistakes analyzing the film from my own point of view, but I have realised reading other reviews that if the writer supports his own vision with a logical argumentation deserve a respect even somebody couldn’t agree.

During the course I should have published more regularly. I also have been stopped during Christmas time because I had a lot of works and I had to study for the exams. These are the weaker points of my CAL learning process. I admit that I should have been more constant.

Despite of that, I think that I have accomplished the goals of the course. I have done the amount of hours predetermined (obviously reviewing in a foreign language need a few hours) but what I want to underline is the great utility that the reviews represent to me, not only in writing skills, but also in the use of vocabulary and expressions. I have improved my knowledge of the language reading other reviews, it has been really useful.

I would like to say that I feel satisfied of my work and now, when I have re-read all the reviews I even feel proud of what I have done.

1 comentari:

Josep Jutglar ha dit...

I'm very glad to read the experience of mòduls CAL 3 & 4 has proved to be so positive! Doing the hours and the dossier on a blog format was something new and, therefore, a bit challenging for both you and me, but I'm happy with the result, too. All your posts are very relevant and you've understood perfectly that with self-learning the content is as important as the reflections and comments about the whole process of learning and about your improvements. Congratulations!